Journal Direction Qualifiers

The following two qualifiers control the journal processing direction:


Specifies that MUPIP JOURNAL processing should proceed from the end of the journal file. If the actions include -RECOVER, JOURNAL -BACKWARD restores before-images from the end-of the file back to an explicitly or implicitly specified point (the turn around point), before it reverses and processes database updates in the forward direction (the forward phase).


-BACKWARD is incompatible with -FORWARD.


Specifies that MUPIP JOURNAL processing for the specified action qualifier should proceed from the beginning of the given journal file. When processing a -RECOVER action qualifier, in certain cases, MUPIP JOURNAL may need to go before the first record of the specified journal file, that is, it can start from a previous generation journal file (refer to “-REC[OVER] ” for details).

If multiple journal files are specified in the command line, -FORWARD sorts the journal files within each region based on creation time and processes them starting from the earliest journal file. Unless the -NOCHECKTN qualifier is specified, -FORWARD performs checks on journal files corresponding to each region to ensure they are contiguous, both in terms of time span, as well as, transaction number span. -FORWARD errors out if it detects a discontinuity.


-FORWARD is incompatible with -BACKWARD and -ROLLBACK.