
Specifies which information for the JOURNAL command to display about a journal file.

Use -FORWARD with -SHOW together (but without -RECOVER ) to process the entire journal file. Specify -SHOW with -RECOVER (or -ROLLBACK) to consider all the journal files/records processed during a -RECOVER -FORWARD command or forward phase of a -RECOVER (or -ROLLBACK) -BACKWARD command. Without -RECOVER (or -ROLLBACK), -SHOW does not require database access.

The show-option-list includes (these are not case-sensitive):


Displays the journal file header information. If the MUPIP JOURNAL command includes only the -SHOW=HEADER action qualifier, GT.M processes only the journal file header (not the contents) even if you specify -BACKWARD or -FORWARD with it. The size of a journal file header is 64K.

HEADER displays almost all the fields in the journal file header. The NODE field is printed up to a maximum of the first 12 characters. The following is an example of SHOW=HEADER output:

SHOW output for journal file /home/jdoe/.fis-gtm/V5.4-001_x86/g/gtm.mjl

Journal file name       /home/jdoe/.fis-gtm/V5.4-001_x86/g/gtm.mjl
Journal file label      GDSJNL20
Database file name      /home/jdoe/.fis-gtm/V5.4-001_x86/g/gtm.dat
 Prev journal file name
 Next journal file name

 Before-image journal                      ENABLED
 Journal file header size                    65536 [0x00010000]
 Virtual file size                            6144 [0x00001800] blocks
 Journal file checksum seed             1400322030 [0x537737EE]
 Crash                                       FALSE
 Recover interrupted                         FALSE
 Journal file encrypted                      FALSE
 Journal file hash                           00000000000000
 Blocks to Upgrade Adjustment                    0 [0x00000000]
 End of Data                               2292624 [0x0022FB90]
 Prev Recovery End of Data                       0 [0x00000000]
 Endian Format                              LITTLE
 Journal Creation Time         2010/08/19 12:59:07
 Time of last update           2010/08/19 13:01:05
 Begin Transaction                               1 [0x0000000000000001]
 End Transaction                             27672 [0x0000000000006C18]
 Align size                                1048576 [0x00100000] bytes
 Epoch Interval                                300
 Replication State                          CLOSED
 Jnlfile SwitchLimit                       8386560 [0x007FF800] blocks
 Jnlfile Allocation                           2048 [0x00000800] blocks
 Jnlfile Extension                            2048 [0x00000800] blocks
 Maximum Journal Record Length              131072 [0x00020000]
 Turn Around Point Offset                        0 [0x00000000]
 Turn Around Point Time                          0
 Start Region Sequence Number                    1 [0x0000000000000001]
 End Region Sequence Number                      0 [0x0000000000000000]

Process That Created the Journal File:

PID        NODE            USER     TERM JPV_TIME           
0000002229 gtmuser1-laptop jdoe     1    2010/08/19 12:59:07                   

Process That Last Wrote to the Journal File:

PID        NODE            USER     TERM JPV_TIME           
0000002231 gtmuser1-laptop jdoe     1    2010/08/19 12:59:19 

The following example  displays the cryptographic hash of the symmetric key stored in the journal file header (the output is one long line). 

$ mupip journal -show -backward mumps.mjl 2>&1 | grep hash

Journal file hash F226703EC502E975784

Displays all processes active during the period specified implicitly or explicitly by the JOURNAL command time qualifiers.


Displays a count of all journal record types processed during the period specified implicitly or explicitly by the JOURNAL command time qualifiers.The following is an example of SHOW=STATISTICS output:

SHOW output for journal file /home/jdoe/.fis-gtm/V5.4-001_x86/g/gtm.mjl

Record type    Count
   *BAD*          0
   PINI           2
   PFIN           2
   ZTCOM          0
   KILL           0
   FKILL          0
   GKILL          0
   SET        20000
   FSET           0
   GSET           0
   PBLK          23
   EPOCH          4
   EOF            1
   TKILL          0
   UKILL          0
   TSET        7671
   USET           0
   TCOM        7671
   ALIGN          2
   NULL           0
   ZKILL          0
   FZKIL          0
   GZKIL          0
   TZKIL          0
   UZKIL          0
   INCTN          0
   AIMG           0
   TZTWO          0
   UZTWO          0


-VERIFY verifies a journal file for integrity. This qualifier cannot have a value. -VERIFY scans the files and checks if it is in legal form, if not, it terminates without affecting the database files.

-VERIFY when specified along with -FORWARD verifies the entire journal file For -NOVERIFY -FORWARD, only the tail of a journal file is verified for cross region integrity. In both cases, if -RECOVER is also specified, the forward play of journal records is done in a separate pass only after the verification pass is complete and error-free.

-VERIFY along with -BACKWARD verifies all journal records from the end of the journal file till the turn around point. When -VERIFY -BACKWARD is specified along with -RECOVER or -ROLLBACK, backward processing involves two passes, the first pass to do the verification until the turn around point, and the second pass to apply before image (PBLK) records.

When -NOVERIFY -BACKWARD is specified along with -RECOVER or -ROLLBACK, PBLKs are applied to the database in the same pass as the verification. This speeds up processing. But the disadvantage of this approach is that in the event of verification terminating in the middle of backward processing, there is no protection of cross-region integrity. FIS recommends the use of -VERIFY with -RECOVER or -ROLLBACK.

When used independent of -RECOVER (or -ROLLBACK), -[NO]VERIFY option does not need database access. The default is -VERIFY.