MUPIP Journal

MUPIP JOURNAL command analyzes, extracts from, reports on, and recovers journal files. The format for the MUPIP JOURNAL command is: 

MUPIP J[OURNAL] -qualifier[...] file-selection-argument

file-selection-argument is a comma-separated list of journal files. 

-qualifier [...] is a combination of Action, Direction, Time, Sequence Number, Control, and Selection qualifiers that perform various MUPIP JOURNAL operations. To create any MUPIP JOURNAL command, select an appropriate combination of qualifiers by moving horizontally from the Action column extending to the Selection column:



Time (optional)

Sequence Number (optional)

Control (optional)

Selection (optional)

One or more

Only one

One or more

Only one

One or more

One or more

-EX[=file specification]



-SH=show option list]





-[NO]LOO= lookback option list]


-FET=port number

-RES=jnl sequence number


-BR=extract file name



-[NO]ER[= integer]

-FE=fence option



-LOST=extract file name

-RED=file pair list



-G=global list

-ID=pid list

-T=transaction type

-U=user list

Also ensure that you adhere to the following rules:

  1. -BEFORE is compatible with all other JOURNAL qualifiers except -ROLLBACK.

  2. -AFTER is incompatible with -BACKWARD and all action qualifiers, except -EXTRACT, -SHOW, and -VERIFY.

  3. -APPLY_AFTER_IMAGE is compatible only with -RECOVER, or -ROLLBACK.

  4. -BACKWARD is incompatible with -FORWARD, -AFTER, -CHECKTN, -NOCHAIN, and -REDIRECT.

  5. -BROKENTRANS is compatible only with -RECOVER, -ROLLBACK, or -EXTRACT.

  6. -CHAIN is only compatible with -FORWARD.

  7. -DETAIL is compatible only with -EXTRACT.

  8. -FETCHRESYNC or -RESYNC are compatible only with -ROLLBACK.

  9. -FORWARD is incompatible with -BACKWARD, -ROLLBACK, -SINCE, and -LOOKBACK_LIMIT.

  10. -FULL is compatible only with -EXTRACT, -SHOW, or -VERIFY.

  11. -LOSTTRANS is compatible only with -RECOVER, -ROLLBACK, or -EXTRACT.

  12. -REDIRECT is compatible only with -RECOVER.

  13. -ROLLBACK is incompatible with -RECOVER, FORWARD, -CHAIN, -CHECKTN, -REDIRECT, time qualifiers of -SHOW.

  14. -SINCE is incompatible with -FORWARD.

  15. -TRANSACTION is compatible only with -EXTRACT and -SHOW.

  16. -USER is compatible only with -EXTRACT and -SHOW.

  17. file list must not be asterisk (*) for -REDIRECT.

  18. file list must be asterisk (*) for -ROLLBACK.

  19. Journal selection qualifiers are incompatible with -RECOVER, -ROLLBACK, and -VERIFY.

  20. Journal time qualifiers are incompatible with -ROLLBACK.

For example, MUPIP JOURNAL -EXTRACT=gtm.mjf -FORWARD -DETAIL is a valid command which performs forward processing to extract detailed the journal records to gtm.mjf. However, MUPIP JOURNAL -EXTRACT -REDIRECT=gtm.dat=test/gtm.dat -FORWARD is an invalid command because -REDIRECT is not compatible with -EXTRACT.

MUPIP JOURNAL manipulates an inactive journal file that is available for exclusive (standalone) use. You can transcribe Journal files to tape. However, you must always restore them to disk for processing by MUPIP JOURNAL.

Press CTRL+C to stop JOURNAL processing. A JOURNAL command that terminates abnormally by operator action or error produces an incomplete result. In this case, the resulting database may be corrupt. If you stop a JOURNAL operation by mistake, reissue the command to produce the proper result for -RECOVER (or -ROLLBACK) -BACKWARD. For -RECOVER -FORWARD, restore the database from backup and reissue the command.