Instructs MUPIP JOURNAL to initiate database recovery. -RECOVER initiates the central JOURNAL operation for non-replicated database. From the list of JOURNAL action qualifiers, select RECOVER alone or with any other action qualifiers except -ROLLBACK.

-RECOVER -FORWARD with time qualifiers initiates forward recovery. Forward recovery ignores the current journaling state of the target database file. It disables journaling of the target database file, (if currently ENABLE and ON), while playing forward the database updates. However, it restores the journaling state of the database at the end of a successful recovery (if necessary), except when journaling is ENABLE'd and ON before the recovery. In the latter case, the journaling state at the end of a successful recovery, is switched to ENABLE and OFF. No journaling is performed for the logical updates to the database for JOURNAL -RECOVER -FORWARD. If the target database's current transaction number is less than first transaction number to be processed in the specified journal file for that region, -RECOVER attempts to include previous generation journal file(s) in its processing, unless the -NOCHAIN qualifier is specified. Following the successive previous links of journal files -RECOVER tries to include previous generations of journal files until the transaction number when the journal file was created is less than, or equal to that of the target database. -RECOVER issues one or more informational messages when it includes previous generation journal files. If target database's current transaction number is not equal to the first transaction number of the earliest journal file to be processed for a region, -RECOVER exits with an error. If multiple journal files for a single region are specified with -RECOVER -FORWARD, it behaves as if -NOCHAIN was specified. If the journal files are not a complete set (for example mumps1.mjl and mumps3.mjl were specified, with mumps2.mjl missing from the command line), MUPIP JOURNAL produces an error because the journal files specified are discontinuous in terms of database transaction numbers. On the other hand, specifying just mumps3.mjl automatically includes mumps2.mjl and mumps1.mjl in the recovery.

-RECOVER -BACKWARD with time qualifiers initiates backward recovery. For backward recovery, the target database file should be the same as when GT.M wrote the last complete transaction to the journal. Because the database may be in an indeterminate state due to a failure, exact checks for this match are not possible. If the target database has journaling DISABLE'd (or ENABLE, OFF), -RECOVER -BACKWARD exits with an error message.

If the target database has journaling ENABLE, ON, but the journal file name in database file header does not match the latest generation journal file name specified for that region, -RECOVER exits with an error.

During forward processing phase of JOURNAL -RECOVER -BACKWARD, MUPIP journals the logical updates to the database. It also creates before images. It is always required to have journaling ENABLE'd and ON for -RECOVER -BACKWARD or -ROLLBACK.

If a transaction is found with incomplete fence, it is considered broken. During forward phase of recovery, if a complete transaction (fenced or unfenced) is found after a broken transaction. -RECOVER increments the error count. If -ERRORLIMIT is reached, the complete transaction goes to lost transaction file, otherwise, it is applied to the database.

All broken and lost transactions are made available as the result of the -RECOVERY. They are written as journal extract format in two different text files. They are the broken transaction file and the lost transaction file. Refer to the sections on BROKENTRANS and LOSTTRANS in “Journal Control Qualifiers”.

When performing JOURNAL -RECOVER with fences (FENCES="PROCESS" or FENCES="ALWAYS"), it is essential for the command to include all the journal files corresponding to the complete set of database files that make up the logical database. If the specified set of journals is incomplete, the recovery reports all transactions that included any missing region as broken. Typically, this means that the results of the recovery are unsatisfactory or even unusable.

MUPIP JOURNAL -RECOVER requires exclusive access to database files before recovery can occur. It keeps the exclusive access to the database files, which means that the database files become inaccessible during the time of recovery.

If time qualifiers are not specified, -BACKWARD -RECOVER/-ROLLBACK performs optimal recovery. An optimal recovery checks whether the datatabase is in a wholesome state and attempts to perform an automatic recovery if there is a crash. If needed, optimal recovery goes back to include some previous generation files in order to get a consistent starting point and then comes forward as far as the available journal record allow it to while preserving consistent application state. At the end, the journaling state of the database stays ENABLE, ON.  Note that the gtm script performs an optimal recovery on every run.

When a database file is rolled back by -RECOVER -BACKWARD, the corresponding journal file is also rolled back so that the two are synchronized. -RECOVER -BACKWARD then creates a new journal file. If no forward play of journal records is neccessary, the newly created journal file stays empty and the database points to the new journal file. The values for journal allocation and extension in the new journal file, are copied over from the database. The autoswitchlimit value in the new journal file is the maximum of the autoswitchlimit values of all journal files from the latest generation journal file until the turnaround point journal file generation (turnaround point is the point in the journal file where backward processing stops and forward processing begins). The journal allocation/extension values in the new journal file are picked up from the earliest generation of the set of those journal files sharing the maximum autoswitchlimit value.

GT.M adds a prefix rolled_bak_ to the journal file whose entire contents are eliminated (rolled back) by -RECOVER -BACKWARD. GT.M does not use these files after a successful recovery therefore you might want to consider moving or deleting them. You should never use rolled_bak* files for any future database recovery. If there is a need to process rolled_bak* files, you should extract the journal records from rolled_back* files and process them using a M program.