Journal Time Qualifiers

Journal qualifiers specifying time accept arguments in absolute or delta time format. Enclose time arguments in quotation marks (" ") . Include a back-slash (\) delimiter before both, the beginning and ending quotation marks to escape it from being processed by the UNIX shell.

Absolute format is day-mon-yyyy hh:mm:ss , where day denotes the date of the month, mon indicates the abbreviated 3-letter month name (for example, Jan, Feb,..) and the year yyyy and hour hh are separated by a space. Absolute time may indicate today's date with "-- " before the hours.

Delta format is day hh:mm:ss, indicating the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds; where the day and the hours (hh) are separated by a space. If delta time is less than a day, it must start with zero (0) followed by a space.

Delta time is always relative to the maximum time of the last record in all journal files specified by arguments to the MUPIP JOURNAL command.


All time qualifiers are incompatible with -ROLLBACK.

The following section describes the time qualifiers in more detail:


Specifies reference time stamps in the journal and identifies the point after which JOURNAL starts processing in the journal file(s). This time qualifier applies to -FORWARD only.

If -AFTER= provides a time following the last time recorded in the journal file or following any -BEFORE= time, JOURNAL processing produces no result and a warning message is displayed. If -AFTER provides a time preceding the first time recorded in the journal file specified in the command line, and, previous generation journal file(s) exists for that journal file, then previous generation journal file(s) are not included for the processing. You must specify previous generation journal files explicitly in the command line in order for them to be considered.

Using -BEFORE with -AFTER restricts processing to a particular period of time in the journal file.


Specifies an ending time for any action -FORWARD or -BACKWARD. The time specified references time stamps in the journal files. If -BEFORE= specifies a time preceding the first time recorded in the journal file, or preceding any -AFTER= or -SINCE= time, JOURNAL processing produces no result, and a warning message is displayed.

If -BEFORE= time exceeds the last time recorded in journal files, JOURNAL processing effectively ignores the qualifier and terminates at the end of the journal file. By default, JOURNAL processing terminates at the end of the journal file.


Specifies how far JOURNAL -BACKWARD processes past the turnaround point (the explicit or implicit point in journal file up to which -RECOVER proceeds backward before it reverses and processes database in forward direction), while attempting to resolve open transaction fences. This option is applicable only for transactions fenced with ZTSTART and ZTCOMMIT. For transaction fenced with TSTART and TCOMMIT, -RECOVER always resolves open transaction fences.

-LOOKBACK_LIMIT=options, include time and transaction counts. -NOLOOKBACK_LIMIT specifies that JOURNAL -BACKWARD can process all the way to the beginning of the journal file, if necessary, to resolve open transaction fences. -LOOKBACK_LIMIT= is incompatible with -FORWARD.

When -FENCES=NONE, JOURNAL processing ignores -LOOKBACK_LIMIT.

The -LOOKBACK_LIMIT options are:

The TIME LOOKBACK option name and its value must be enclosed in quotes ("").

For example:

-lookback=\"time=0 00:00:30\"

When -LOOKBACK_LIMIT= specifies both options, they must be separated by a comma (,), for example:

-lookback=\"time=0 00:00:30,operations=35\"

When -LOOKBACK_LIMIT= specifies both options, the first limit reached terminates the LOOKBACK.

By default, MUPIP JOURNAL uses -LOOKBACK_LIMIT=\"TIME=0 00:05\" providing five minutes of journal time prior to -SINCE= to resolve open fences. A -LOOKBACK_LIMIT that specifies a limit much before the beginning of the earliest journal file acts as if -NOLOOKBACK_LIMIT was specified.


Specifies a starting (or checkpoint) time for an action qualifier with -BACKWARD, that is, -SINCE specifies how far back in time JOURNAL -BACKWARD should process (from the end of the journal file), before starting the forward processing.

The time specified references time stamps in the journal files. If there are open fenced transactions when JOURNAL -BACKWARD locates the -SINCE= time, it continues processing backward to resolve them, unless the command also specifies -FENCES=NONE. If -SINCE= time exceeds the last time recorded in the journal files or, follows any -BEFORE=time, JOURNAL processing effectively ignores the qualifier, and displays a warning message.

By default, -SINCE= time is 0 00:00:00 which denotes the time at the end of the journal file (the time when the last journal record was updated).