Journal Sequence Number Qualifiers

These qualifiers are compatible only with -ROLLBACK.

-FET[CHRESYNC]=<port number>

In an LMS configuration, rollbacks the replicating instance to a common synchronization point from which the originating instance can transmit updates to allow it to catch up. This command rolls back a former originating instance to the journal sequence number at which the current originating instance took over. The format of the fetchresync qualifier is: -fetchresync=<port number> -losttrans=<extract file> file-listThe <port number> is the communication port number that the rollback command uses when fetching the reference point. Always use the same <port number> on the originating instance for rollback as the one used by the Receiver Server.


FIS recommends you to unconditionally script the mupip journal -rollback -fetchresync command prior to starting any Source Server on the replicating instance to avoid a possible out-of-sync situation.

The reference point sent by the originating instance is the RESYNC_SEQNO (explained later) that the originating instance once maintained. The database/journal files are rolled back to the earlier RESYNC_SEQNO (that is, the one received from originating instance or the one maintained locally). If you do not use -fetchresync, the database rolls back to the last consistent replicating instance state.

The system stores extracted lost transactions in the file <extract file> specified by this mandatory qualifier. The starting point for the search for lost transactions is the JNL_SEQNO obtained from the originating instance in the -fetchresync operation. If -fetchresync is not specified, <extract file> lists the post-consistent-state transactions that were undone by the rollback procedure to reach a consistent state.


The extracted lost transactions list may contain broken transactions due to system failures that occurred during processing. Do not resolve these transactions–they are not considered to be committed.


The database header may get corrupted if you suspend an ongoing ROLLBACK -FETECHRESYNC operation or if the TCP connection between the two instances gets broken. The workaround is to restart the ROLLBACK -FETCHRESYNC operation or wait 60 seconds for the FETCHRESYNC operation to timeout.


$ mupip journal -rollback -fetchresync=2299 -losttrans="glo.lost" -backward 

This command performs a ROLLBACK -FETCHRESYNC operation on a replicating instance to bring it to a common synchronization point from where the originating instance can begin to transmit updates to allow it to catch up. It also generates a lost transaction file glo.lost of all those transactions that are present on the replicating instance but not on the originating instance at port 2299.

-RES[YNC]=<journal sequence number>

Specifies the journal sequence number to which GT.M must rollback the the database/journal files need to be rolled back to a specific point. If you specify a journal sequence number that is greater than the last consistent state, GT.M rolls back the database/journal files to the last consistent state. Under normal operating conditions, this qualifier is not needed.