Examples for MUPIP SET

$ mupip set -journal="enable,nobefore" -file mumps.dat

This example enables NOBEFORE_IMAGE journaling on mumps.dat. If journaling is already enabled, this command switches the current journal file.


$ mupip set -journal=on,enable,before -region "*"

This example turn on journaling with BEFORE_IMAGE journaling. If journaling is already enabled, this command switches the current journal file for all regions.

$ mupip set -file -journal="nobefore,buff=128" gtm.dat

This example initiates NOBEFORE_IMAGE journaling for the database file gtm.dat with a journal buffer size of 64KB (=128 blocks). It also switches to new journal file. This command assumes that some prior MUPIP SET -JOURNAL specified ENABLE for gtm.dat.


$ mupip set -region -journal=enable,before_images,allocation=50000,ext=5000 "*"

This example enables journaling with BEFORE_IMAGES on all regions of the current Global Directory and gives each journal file an ALLOCATION of 50000 blocks and an EXTENSION of 5000 blocks. If the regions have significantly different levels of update, use several MUPIP SET -FILE or -REGION commands.


$ mupip set -region -journal="enable,before" areg,breg

This example declares journaling active with BEFORE_IMAGES for the regions areg and breg of the current Global Directory.


$ mupip set -file -nojournal mumps.dat

This example disables journaling on the database file mumps.dat.


$ mupip set -journal="ENABLE,BEFORE_IMAGES" -region "AREG"
$ mupip set -journal="ON,BEFORE_IMAGES" -region "*"

This example turns on journaling only for the region AREG. Note that AGREG is the only region that is "available" for journaling.


$ mupip set -access_method=MM -file gtm.dat

This example sets MM (Memory Mapped) as the access method or GT.M buffering strategy for storing and retrieving data from the database file gtm.dat. Since MM is not supported with BEFORE_IMAGE journaling, this example produces an error on a database with BEFORE_IMAGE journaling enabled. You can also use -access_method=BG to set BG (Buffered Global) as your buffering strategy. For more information on the implications of these access methods, refer to “Segment Qualifiers”.


$ mupip set -journal=before,noprevjnlfile,file=newmumps.mjl -file mumps.dat

The above command cuts the back link of the newly created journal file newmumps.mjl.