MUPIP SET is the primary utility used to establish and activate journaling (using the -JOURNAL) and replication (using the -REPLICATION).

When GDE creates a Global Directory, it stores either the explicitly specified journaling information, or the GDE default value (refer to “SET -JOURNAL Options ”) for any unspecified characteristics.

MUPIP CREATE copies existing journaling information from the Global Directory to the database file, establishing journaling characteristics for all GDE supported journal-options.


GT.M applies journaling information in the Global Directory to a database file only when it is created. Thereafter use MUPIP, or possibly DSE, to change journaling characteristics in database files. Be sure to use GDE to reflect current journaling needs so that the next time you use MUPIP CREATE you get the desired journaling characteristics.

DSE DUMP -FILEHEADER displays the current values for all established journaling characteristics.

This section provides a description of the MUPIP SET command with specific reference to the journaling related qualifiers. For information on the other MUPIP SET qualifiers, refer to Chapter 5: “General Database Management.

MUPIP SET -JOURNAL can change some database characteristics when journaling is active for a specific file or region(s). The first run of MUPIP SET -JOURNAL on an older database automatically changes the maximum/minimum journal settings to match those required by the current GT.M version. MUPIP SET operates on either regions or files.

The format for the MUPIP SET command is:

MUPIP SE[T] -qualifier... file-name or region-name

The file-specification or region-list identifies the target of the SET. Region-names separated by commas (,) make up a region-list.

To establish journaling characteristics, use the MUPIP SET command with the -[NO]JOURNAL[=journal-option-list] qualifier and one of the following SET object identifying qualifiers:


Together with one or more of the SET action qualifiers:
