MUTEXLCKALERT, Mutual Exclusion subsystem ALERT - Lock attempt threshold crossed for region rrrr. Process pppp is in crit cycle cccc.

Run Time Warning: This warning indicates that process attempting to access a critical section lock for rrrr waited longer than the GT.M determined threshold (approximately two minutes) to obtain the critical section lock held by process pppp; the cycle is measure of the frequency of use of the lock.

GT.M produces this warning when:

Action: Monitor the system to determine whether there is a process with process id pppp and whether that process is a GT.M process.

Implement a script to get a stack trace for process pppp or take other appropriate action and use the $gtm_procstuckexec environment variable to activate it immediately before the block process sends the MUTEXLCKALERT message.

Identify and terminate process pppp to release the permissions for that resource. If the process is a GT.M process, use a MUPIP STOP to terminate it. If a process of another application, use an appropriate mechanism to stop it.

If this message is due to an IO bottleneck, adopt a strategy that reduces IO. Some of the IO reducing strategies are:


Do not apply IO reduction strategies all at once. Try them one at a time and always verify/measure the results of each strategy.

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