Displaying/Changing the attributes of Replication Instance File and Journal Pool

Command Syntax:

mupip replicate
-edit[instance] <instance-file> | -source -jnlpool
-show [-detail]  | -change [-offset=] [-size=] [-value=]


Displays or changes the attributes of the specified instance-file. Use -editinstance in combination with SHOW or CHANGE qualifiers.


Displays or changes the attributes of Journal Pool. Always specify -source with -jnlpool. Use -jnlpool in combination with SHOW or CHANGE qualifiers.


The CHANGE qualifier is intended only for use under the guidance of FIS and serves two purposes. When used with -editinstance, it changes the contents of the replication instance file. When used with -jnlpool, it changes the contents of journal pool header. Although MUPIP does not enforce standalone access when using this feature on the instance file or the journal pool, doing so when replication is actively occurring can lead to catastrophic failures.


Displays File Header, Source Server slots, and History Records from the Replication Instance file.


When specified, all fields within each section are displayed along with their offset from the beginning of the file and the size of each field.


Indicates the new size of the new value in bytes. The value of size can be either 1, 2, 4, or 8.


Takes a hexadecimal value that is a multiple of -size. With no -offset specified, GT.M produces an error. GT.M also produces an error if the offset is greater than the size of the instance file or the journal pool header.


Specifies the new hexadecimal value at the specified offset. With no value specified, GT.M displays the current value at the specified offset and does not perform any change. Specifying -value=<new_value> makes the change and displays both the old and new values.


Change the instance file or the journal pool only on explicit instructions from FIS.


The SHOW qualifier serves two purposes. When used with -editinstance, it displays the content of the replication instance file. When used with -jnlpool, it displays the content of the journal pool.


$ mupip replicate -editinstance -show -detail multisite.repl

This example displays the content of the replication instance file multisite.repl. The optional detail qualifier displays each section along with its offset from the beginning of the file and the size of each field. Use this information when there is a need to edit the instance file.


$ mupip replicate -editinstance -change -size=4 -offset=8 multisite.repl

This command set changes the size and offset parameters of the instance file multisite.repl.