Creating the Replication Instance File

Command Syntax:

mupip replicate -instance_create -name=<instance name>



Creates a replication instance file. mupip replicate -instance_create takes the file name of the replication instance file from the environment variable gtm_repl_instance.

If an instance file already exists, GT.M renames it with a timestamp suffix, and creates a new replication instance file. This behavior is similar to the manner in which GT.M renames existing journal files while creating new journal files. Creating an instance file requires standalone access.


Specifies the instance name that uniquely identifies the instance and is immutable. The instance name can be from 1 to 16 characters. GT.M takes the instance name (not the same as instance file name) from the environment variable gtm_repl_instname. If gtm_repl_instname is not set and -name is not specified, GT.M produces an error.


Prevents the renaming of an existing replication instance file.


$ export gtm_repl_instance=mutisite.repl
$ export gtm_repl_instname=America
$ mupip replicate -instance_create

This example creates a replication instance file called multisite.repl specified by gtm_repl_instance with an instance name America specified by environment variable gtm_repl_instname.