Journal Selection Qualifiers

Journal Selection Qualifiers are compatible with -EXTRACT and -SHOW operations only. This is because most applications are not constructed to safely remove a subset of transactions based on criteria that is exterior to the application design. To exclude transactions from a recovery based on some selection criteria, the methodology is to -EXTRACT the records, and then reapply them through application logic rather than by journal recovery. This approach permits the application logic to appropriately handle any interactions between the removed and the retained transactions. Note that, selection qualifiers might result in only a subset of a fenced transaction's journal records to be extracted (for example, a TSTART record may not be extracted because the first update in that transaction was filtered out by a selection qualifier, while the corresponding TCOMMIT record may get extracted). This can cause a fenced transaction to seem broken when actually it is not.

The following qualifiers control the selection criteria for journal processing. 

Except for -TRANSACTION, all qualifiers allow for specifying a comma (,) seperated list of values.


Specifies globals for MUPIP JOURNAL to include or exclude from processing. You might find this qualifier useful for extracting and analyzing specific data.

The global-list contains one or more global-names (without subscripts) preceded by a caret symbol (^). To include more than one global use one of the following syntaxes.

$ mupip journal -forward -extract -global="^A*,^C" mumps.mjl 


$ mupip journal -forward -extract -global="(^A*,^C)" mumps.mjl 

The names may include the asterisk (*) wildcard. That is, -GLOBAL="^A*" selects all global variables with names starting with A. The entire list or each name may optionally be preceded by a tilda sign (~), requiring JOURNAL to exclude database updates to the specified global(s). When the global-list with a MUPIP JOURNAL -GLOBAL does not start with a tilda sign (~), JOURNAL processes only the explicitly named globals. By default, JOURNAL processes all globals.

To specify subscripts, using -GLOBAL="^A(1)" results in all keys under the ^A(1) tree to be included, that is, it is equivalent to using -GLOBAL="^A(1,*)". An asterisk (*) or a percent (%) anywhere in the global specification is permitted. Percent (%) matches any character, and asterisk (*) matches any string (possibly zero length too). The asterisk (*) or percent (%) specification can be used for -USER qualifier too.


To extract all ^GBL* except for ^GBLTMP:

$ mupip journal -extract -global="^GBL*,~^GBLTMP" -forward mumps.mjl

To extract all ^GBL except for ^GBL(1,"TMP"):

$ mupip journal -extract -global=\"^GBL,~^GBL\(1,\"\"TMP\"\"\)\" -forward mumps.mjl

The backslash (\) delimiter characters are required in UNIX to pass MUPIP the double quotes (") of the string subscript.

An INVGLOBALQUAL error is issued along with the error offset in the command line, whenever a parse error of the global qualifier string is encountered.


Specifies that JOURNAL processing include or exclude database updates generated by one or more processes, identified by process identification numbers (PIDs). The entire list or each PID may optionally be preceded by a tilda sign (~), requiring JOURNAL to exclude database updates initiated by the specified PID. You may use this qualifier for trouble shooting or analyzing data.

By default, JOURNAL processes database updates regardless of the PID that initiated it.


Specifies transaction-types for JOURNAL to include or exclude from processing. For example, you may use this qualifier to report only on KILL operations to locate possible causes for missing data.

The transaction-types are SET and KILL and can be negated. These types correspond to the M commands of the same names. When the transaction-type with a JOURNAL -TRANSACTION is not negated, JOURNAL processes only transactions of the type named (for example, -TRANSACTION=KILL), whereas if it is negated, JOURNAL does not process transactions of the type named (for exmaple, -TRANSACTION=NOKILL).

By default, JOURNAL processes transactions, regardless of its type.


Specifies that MUPIP JOURNAL processing include or exclude database updates generated by one or more users. You can use this qualifier to audit the actions of a particular user. The user-list contains names of one or more users. Indicate multiple users by separating the names with commas (,). The names may include the wildcard asterisk (*). The entire list or each name may optionally be preceded by a minus sign (-) tilda sign (~), requiring JOURNAL to exclude database updates initiated by the specified user(s). When the user-list with a JOURNAL -USER does not start with a tilda sign (~), JOURNAL processes only those database updates, which are generated by explicitly named users. The asterisk (*) or percent (%) specification can be used for -USER qualifier. Percent (%) matches any character, and asterisk (*) matches any string (possibly zero length too).

By default, JOURNAL processes database updates regardless of the user who initiated them.