SET Object Identifying Qualifiers

The following qualifiers identify the journaling targets:


Specify that the argument to the SET is a file-specification for a single database file. A Journal file's name can now include characters in Unicode.

Old journal files stay open for about 10 seconds after a switch to a new journal file.


Specify that the argument to the SET is a list of one or more region-names, possibly including wildcards, which, through the mapping of the current Global Directory, identifies a set of database files. SET -REGION modifies multiple files when the parameter contains more than one name.

The -REGION qualifier is incompatible with the -FILE qualifier.


Specifies that the target for SET is a journal file. The format of the JNLFILE qualifier is:

-jnlfile jnl_file -[no]prevjnlfile=jnlfilename [-bypass]

jnl_file specifies the name of the target journal file.


Changes the name of the previous generation of the journal file in the header of jnl_file to jnlfilename (for example, when moving the previous generation journal file to a different location). The file name can be a full path-name or a relative path name; however, before the file-name is stored in the header, it is expanded to its full path-name.


Cuts the generation link of the journal file jnl_file.The name of the previous generation journal file is nullified in the header of jnl_file. Such an operation is appropriate when it is assured that there will never be a reason for a rollback to the previous generation journal file.


Override the requirement that database files (or their corresponding journal files) affected by the set command be available standalone.


Changing the previous generation file link when a rollback operation is in progress or when the Source Server is actively replicating, can damage the journal file and hamper recoverability.