Class ByteString
Method Description Formal Parameters
ascii ASCII code of byte at specified pos local Number position
extract Extract a bytestring local Number start,local Number end
find Find the next position of a bytestring local ByteString string,local Number start
justify Justify a bytestring local Number fieldLength
length String length local ByteString delimiter
piece Return bytestring at delimited position local ByteString delimiter, local Number start, local Number end
toPSLExpression translate literal value to PSL expression
translate Byte by byte replace local ByteString lookFor, local ByteString replaceBy
Class Cache
Method Description Formal Parameters
getrecord Get RecordTABLE object from Cache literal String table, String KeyExpr, literal Boolean classNew
isDefined Check if RecordTABLE row exists using Cache literal String table, String KeyExpr
Class Class
Method Description Formal Parameters
isAncestor Is Name1 an ancestor of Name2 String ancestorName, String descendantName
isClass Does className exist in OBJECT table String className
isDescendant Is Name1 a descendant of Name2 String descendantName, String ancestorName
isValid Does className exist in OBJECT table Reference instance
new Create a new instance of class literal String Class, Object initObj
Class Date
Method Description Formal Parameters
day 2 digit day of month
dayOfMonth Numeric day of the month
dayOfYear Day of the year
daysInMonth Number of days in Month
daysToEOY Days to the end of the year
isBusDate Date is a business date in calendar local String Calendar
isLeapYear Leap Year
month 2 digit month of year
monthOfYear Numeric month of year
nextBusDate Next business date for calendar local Number numberDays, local String Calendar
nextFreqDate Next frequency date local String frequency, public Number AF, local String control
prevBusDate Previous business date for calendar local Number numberDays, local String Calendar
toString Convert Date to String local String DateMask
year Year (4 digit)
Class Db
Method Description Formal Parameters
currVal Return highest key value literal String table, String KeyExpr
delete Delete records (SQL format) literal String table, local String where, local String PSQLqualifiers
fastdelete Delete multiple records literal String table, String KeyExpr
getOneRow Select one row of data from a table String select, String table, String keys, String delim
getrecord Retrieve a recordTABLE from the database literal String table, String KeyExpr, literal Boolean ClassNew
getSchemaColumn Return a PSL column descriptor local String table, local String column
getSchemaTable Return a PSL table descriptor local String table
insert Insert a new record (SQL format) String table, String columns, String values, String PSQLqualifiers
isDefined Returns whether reference is defined literal String from, literal String where, local Number match
isSchemaColumn Is table.column a valid column name? local String table, local String column
isSchemaTable Is table a valid table name? local String table
nextKey Return next key value literal String table, String KeyExpr
nextVal Return highest key value + 1 literal String table, String KeyExpr
prevKey Return previous key value literal String table, String KeyExpr
prevVal Return prior key value literal String table, String KeyExpr
select Create a Result set local String select, local String from, local String where, local String orderby, local String groupby, local String PSQLparams
selectdbSet Create a set of Records literal String table, local String where, local String orderby
update Update records (SQL format) String table, String columns, String where, String PSQLqualifiers
Class DbSet
Method Description Formal Parameters
getrecord Return current record literal String table
isEmpty Return boolean state of results set
next Position cursor to the next row
Class HTML
Method Description Formal Parameters
addAttrib Add column attributes String element, String attributes
addCol Add Column form resultset to XML documen ResultSet rs, String col
addElement Add Element line to XML Dtd String element, String attributes
addList Add a matching list (columns+values) XML literal String element, literal String columnlist, String valuelist, String delim
addProp Add individual column and value to XML String column, String value
addRow Add results row with tags String element, ResultSet rs
addString Add string to XML format (clsoe or open) String string, literal Boolean close
addTitle Add XML title to header String title
Class IO
Method Description Formal Parameters
close Close Device
open Open IO
read Reads a record from device public String ErrorType
write Write record local String Record, local String EOL
Class List
Method Description Formal Parameters
add Add a value to a list local String expr, local String delimiter, local Boolean allowDuplicate, local Boolean inOrder
contains List contains expression String expr, String delimiter, Boolean ignoreCase
count Number of elements in list local String delimiter, local Boolean noDuplicates
elementAt Return individual element of List local Number position, local String delimiter
position Ordinal position in the list local String expr, local String delimiter, local Boolean ignoreCase
sort Sort the elements in a list local String delimiter, local Boolean allowDuplicate
Class Number
Method Description Formal Parameters
byte return single byte represented by number
char return character represented by number
fnumber Format (and round) a number local String format, local Number decimals
random Return pseudo-random number in [0,val-1]
roundCur Round an amount to currency local String crcd, local String roundOption, local Number justify
roundDec Round an amount to decimal local Number decimal, local String roundOption, local Number justify
toString Format a number local Number decimal, local String formatMask
zero Zero fill a number local Number length, local Number decimal, local Boolean implied, local Number sign
Class Object
Method Description Formal Parameters
data Return object exists / is array
exists Return object exists
getClass Return object class
isPrimitive Class is a primitive class
order Next or previous subscript in array local Number direction
query Name of next node in array
Class PSL
Method Description Formal Parameters
actual actual() array as 'property' Number sub
addSetting Add or modify a PSL compiler setting local String section, local String ident, local Primitive value
addSubrou Add a subroutine to the module local String Name, local List parameters, local String comment, local Boolean new
cachePSLColumn Cache and return a PSL column descriptor PSLColumn cache(), local String qcn, PSLTable tCache()
cachePSLTable Cache and return a PSL table descriptor PSLTable cache(), local String table, local Number level
error Output a PSL compile-time error String errorText
getdbLoad Return Record map header local String subRou, local String var, local Number instPtr
getLabelRecord Return a PSL subroutine label record String subrou
getPSLColumn Return a PSL column descriptor local String table, local String column, SchemaTable stCache()
getPSLTable Return a PSL table descriptor local String table, local Number level
getSetting Return a PSL compiler setting (defaults to ") local String section, local String ident
hasSetting Does PSL compiler setting exist? local String section, local String ident
insertLine Insert a line of code local String PSLCode, local Number line, local Number level
isRecord Record class is ancestor of class local String class
mExpr Convert a PSL string to an M string local String psl
newVariable Generate a new variable name
openBuffer Open a new PSL buffer local List parameters, local String comment
patch Replace expression with backpatch token local String expression
subrouExists Subroutine exists in current module local String name
warn Output a PSL compile-time warning local String warning
Class PSLBuffer
Method Description Formal Parameters
add Add a line of PSL code to the buffer local String code
insert insert PSL subroutine into current code stream local String name, local String resultClass
Class PSLColumn
Method Description Formal Parameters
getClass column's dataType as PSL class
getCurrentExpr expression to retrieve(0)/set(1) column local PSLIdentifier rec, local Boolean bLeft
getCurrentLvn local variable containing column's value local PSLIdentifier rec
getCurrentNode Node containing column's value local Boolean bQuoted
getOldExpr expr to retrieve(0)/set(1) column.oldVal local PSLIdentifier rec, local Boolean bLeft
getOldLvn local variable containing column.oldVal local PSLIdentifier rec
getOldNode Node containing column.oldVal local Boolean bQuoted
getPurposeNode purpose Id of node containing the column
getUpdateCode code to update column value local PSLIdentifier rec, local PSLExpression value, local Number mode
Class PSLExpression
Method Description Formal Parameters
fitsLineLength does expression + extra space fit M line length local Number extra
isArray Expression is an array
isLiteral Expression is literal
isVariable Expression is a variable
toValue Reduce expression to constant
Class PSLIdentifier
Method Description Formal Parameters
optimize Reference object can be post optimized
Class PSLSubrou
Method Description Formal Parameters
addCode Add a line of M code the buffer local String code
addExe Add a line of code from exe() the buffer local String code
addLvn Add a vsql() replacement for addExe() to the subroutine local Number nr, local String expr
addTag Add a tag(number) for addExe() to the subroutine local Number nr, local String code
getCode Get M code at specified line local Number line
getLine Get highest linenumber of the subroutine
getLvn Get vsql() replacement value local Number lvn
getLvnMax Get highest vsql() replacement number of the subroutine
getTag Get the tag for a subscript in exe() local Number tag
getTagMax Get highest tag number of the subroutine
getTagPrefix Get the tag prefix for addExe()
insCode Insert M code at specified line local Number line, local String Code
setTagPrefix Set the tag prefix for addExe() local String prefix
Class PSLTable
Method Description Formal Parameters
assertLevel Assert a PSLTable instance with minimum info level local Number level, PSLColumn cache()
getArchivable Is table valid to be archived
getArchiveIncluded Get tables included with this when archived
getArchiveKey Get archive key number local Boolean forArch
getArchiveSubs Get archive sub-tables
getArchiveTable Get primary archive table
getFilerLogic Filer logic that needs to be processed local String operation, local PSLExpression qualExp, local Boolean isPslExp
getLoadCode M code to load data node local PSLIdentifier rec,local String node, local Number mode, local Boolean exists, public String lvpm()
getNewCode M code instantiate new Record local PSLIdentifier rec, local PSLExpression mode
getQuery Get table query
getSaveCode M code to save data node local PSLIdentifier rec, local String node, local Number mode, local String lvpm(), local PSLColumn rdbCol()
getUpdateKey M code to safe current key for UPDATE local PSLIdentifier rec, local String lvpm()
isOneNode table uses single node in internal storage
isParent Table is parent table
Class Primitive
Method Description Formal Parameters
get the primitive's value or a default value Primitive default
isNull Expression is NULL literal Boolean isIncludeEmptyQuotes
Class Record
Method Description Formal Parameters
bypassSave Database save, bypass triggers
compare Compare and report differences local Record object2
copy Copy object local String colmap
fromArchive Check if record loaded from archive
fromArray Copy M array into object properties literal String Array, literal String Keys
getMode Return Record Mode
getTable Return table represented by this record
isChanged Check if the Column has Changed local String column, local String useagetype
overlay New record overlay fields String array()
save Save a record to the database local String Filerqualifiers
setAuditFlag Set update history flag literal Boolean state
setCreateOnly Allow create mode only
setMode Set Record Mode local Number Mode
setUpdateOnly Allow update mode only
toArray Copy object properties into M array literal String Array, literal String Keys
toString Copy object
Class RecordACN
Method Description Formal Parameters
renew Loan/Deposit renewal String keys
Class RecordCIF
Method Description Formal Parameters
default New Cif account defaults form product String key
Class RecordDEP
Method Description Formal Parameters
default Deposit new account default method String keys
renew Loan/Deposit renewal String keys
Class RecordLN
Method Description Formal Parameters
default Loan new account product defaults String keys
renew Loan/Deposit renewal String keys
Class Reference
Method Description Formal Parameters
copy Copy Reference class instance
equals Compare two reference objects Reference cmp
getPointer Return pointer to reference object
getStoredValue Return a process scope value from object local String tag
setStoredValue Store a process scope value in an object local String tag, local String value
toString Return string representation of object
Class ResultSet
Method Description Formal Parameters
getCol Return column value from results row local Primitive colRef
getColProt Return column protection local Primitive colRef
getrow Return current results row local String delimiter, local List columnList
getrowProt Return row protection
isEmpty Return boolean state of results set
next Position cursor to the next row
Class Row
Method Description Formal Parameters
getColumns Get the properties of a Row object
getdelimiter Get the row delimiter
setColumns Set the properties of a Row object local List Properties
setdelimiter Set the row delimiter local String delimiter
toRecord Copy a Row object to a Record object local Record identifier, local String columnMap
toString Convert a Row object to a String local String colDel, local String quoChar, local String fmtdate, local String fmtTime, local String fmtBool
Class RowSet
Method Description Formal Parameters
beforeFirst Position RowSet before first Row
getrow Return current row
isEmpty Return if RowSet is empty
loadFromFile Load RowSet from file local String directory, local String filename, local String filetype
next Position rowset at the next row
Class Runtime
Method Description Formal Parameters
charset Character set
commit Commit TP fence
delErrXBAD XBAD error object,errcode
delayCommit Call subroutine with delayed commits literal String entryref
rollback Tp Rollback to the start of a fence Startptr
setErrMSG Message Table Error object, msgnum, variable
setErrSTBLER Application Error object,errcode
setErrXBAD XBAD error object, errcode, column, curval, altval
start Start TP fence tranid, varlist, stat
Class Schema
Method Description Formal Parameters
createTable Create temporary table schema String table, String keyexpr, String columnList, String globalName
deleteTable Delete table schema String table
getTableName Return a table name for a RecordClass String class
getTableRecord Return a Data-Qwik table record String table
Class String
Method Description Formal Parameters
addQuotes Add one layer of quotes local String character
ascii ASCII code of character at specified pos local Number position
beginsWith Begins with string local String string,local Boolean ignoreCase
blank Pad a string with blanks local Number fieldLength, local Boolean rightJustify
byteLimitSubstring substring of at most maxBytes bytes local Number start, local Number maxBytes
complexUnpack Complex unpack of data string local Number length, local Boolean signed, local Boolean leftnib
contains Contains a string local String string
endsWith Ends with string local String string, local Boolean ignoreCase
extract Extract a string local Number start, local Number end
find Find the next position of a string local String string, local Number start, local Boolean ignoreCase, local String quoteChar
follows Follows a string local String string
getSub Return a sub-delimited or labeled string local String label, local String delimiter1, local String delimiter2, local Number position
insert Insert a string into a string local String string, local Number offSet, local String padCharacter, local Boolean displace
isInteger Is an integer
isLike Is like (SQL like) local String likeExpr, local Boolean ignoreCase
isLiteral Is a literal value - quoted or number
isNumber Is a number
justify Justify and pad a string local Number fieldLength, local Number direction, local String padCharacter, local Boolean truncate
length String length local String delimiter
lowerCase Convert to lower case local Boolean capitalizeFirstChar
piece Return string at delimited position local String delimiter, local Number start, local Number end, local String quoteChar
putSub Insert a sub-delimited or tagged string local String insert, local String label, local String delimiter1, local String delimiter2, local Number position
replace Replace occurrances of expr1 with expr2 local String expr1, local String expr2, local Number count, local Boolean ignoreCase, local String quoteChar
reverse Reverse the character order
stripQuotes Strip one layer of quotes local String quoteCharacter
toByteString Convert String to ByteString
toDate Convert formatted date to julien date local String mask
toNumber Convert String to Number local String mask, local Boolean stripSpace
toRow Convert a String type to a Row type local List elements, local String delimiter
toTime Convert formatted to internal time
translate Character by character replace local String lookFor, local String replaceBy
trim trim characters from a String local Number Option, local String character
unpack Unpacks data string local Number length
upperCase Convert to upper case
Class Time
Method Description Formal Parameters
toString Convert Time to String local String TimeMask
Class tranSet
Method Description Formal Parameters
copytran Copy transaction to tranSet local RecordTTX ttx, String colRefs(), local Number tranSeq, local String sectran
gettran Get transaction from tranSet local Number Sequence
postTSet Post tranSet Postdate, Branch, PostParam, tranArr