Normal Cutover

Follow these steps to perform a controlled cutover in which the originating instance and a replicating instance switch roles. Such a step is necessary to test cutover or to bring the originating instance down for maintenance. In the following steps, A is the former originating instance and new replicating instance, while B is the former replicating instance and new originating instance.

  1. Choose a time when database update rates are low to minimize the chances clients may time out and retry their messages, and when no batch processes are running.

  2. The external system responsible for originating/replicating status identification should be made aware that Site B should now be the originating instance and Site A should now be the replicating instance. If the messaging layer between clients and servers differs from the external control mechanism, command it to route messages to the replicating instance. There may be a need to hold messages briefly during the cutover.

On A:

On B: