Comparison other than Recovery

CostThe cost of using an LMS configuration is at least one extra instance plus network bandwidth for replication. There are trade-offs: with two instances, it may be appropriate to use less expensive servers and storage without materially compromising enterprise application availability. In fact, since GT.M allows replication to as many as sixteen instances, it is not unreasonable to use commodity hardware[a] and still save total cost.
StorageEach extra instance of course requires its own storage for databases and journal files. Nobefore journal files are smaller than the journal files produced by before image journaling, with the savings potentially offset if a decision is made to retain an online copy of the last backup (whether this nets out to a saving or a cost depends on the behavior of the application and on operational requirements for journal file retention).

IO bandwidth requirements of nobefore journaling are less than those of before image journaling, because GT.M does not write before image journal records or flush the database.

  • With before image journaling, the first time a database block is updated after an epoch, GT.M writes a before image journal record. This means that immediately after an epoch, given a steady rate of updates, there is an increase in before image records (because every update changes at least one database block and generates at least one before image journal record). As the epoch proceeds, the frequency of writing before image records falls back to the steady level[b] – until the next epoch. Before image journal records are larger than journal records that describe updates.

  • At epochs, both before image journaling and nobefore journaling flush journal blocks and perform an fsync() on journal files[c]. When using before image journaling, GT.M ensures all dirty database blocks have been written and does an fsync()[d], but does not take these steps.

Because IO subsystems are often sized to accommodate peak IO rates, choosing NOBEFORE_IMAGE journaling may allow more economical hardware without compromising application throughput or responsiveness.

[a] GT.M absolutely requires the underlying computer system to perform correctly at all times. So, the use of error correcting RAM, and mirrored disks is advised for production instances. But, it may well be cost effective to use servers without redundant power supplies or hot-swappable components, to use RAID rather than SAN for storage, and so on.

[b] How much the steady level is lower depends on the application and workload.

[c] Even flushing as many as 20,000 journal buffers, which is more than most applications use, is only 10MB of data. Furthermore, when GT.M's SYNC_IO journal flag is specified, the fsync() operation requires no physical IO.

[d] The volume of dirty database blocks to be flushed can be large. For example, 80% of 40,000 4KB database blocks being dirty would require 128MB of data to be written and flushed.