Replication Architecture

The following diagram illustrates an LMS configuration where White is the originating instance processing business logic, while Rose and Yellow are replicating instances. The dotted line represents a TCP connection and the red dots show the movement of transactions. If White goes down in an unplanned or planned event, either Rose or Yellow can become the originating instance within seconds to tens of seconds, and the other instance can become a replicating instance to the new originating instance. When White recovers, it rejoins as a replicating instance to the new originating instance. At some suitable future time, when so desired, White can again be made the originating instance.

When a process commits a transaction on White, GT.M provides Durability by writing and "hardening" an update record to the journal file and then the database file. The same process also writes the update records to an area of shared memory called a Journal Pool as part of committing the transaction, but does not wait for Rose and Yellow to commit the transaction (this means that a failure of the network between instances does not stop application operation on White). Two Source Server processes, one for Rose and one for Yellow, read journal update records from the Journal Pool and stream updates over TCP connections to Receiver Server processes on the replicating instances they serve.

Under normal conditions, White Source Servers stream update records from the Journal Pool to the Rose and Yellow Receiver Servers. The Journal Pool is a shared memory segment that does not expand after its initial creation. If updates for the database state to which the replicating instance needs to catch up are no longer in the Journal Pool, the Source Server finds the updates in journal files, until the replicating instance catches up to the point where the remaining required updates can again come from the Journal Pool. The diagram represents this with the curved lines from the journal file to the Source Server processes.

A Source Server[5] can be in either of two modes--active mode or passive mode.

In active mode, a Source Server connects to the Receiver Server on its replicating instance and transfers update records from the Journal Pool via the communication channel. If an active Source Server is not connected to its Receiver Server, it makes repeated attempts to connect until it succeeds. In the diagram, the White Source Servers are in active mode. When an active Source Server receives a command to switch to passive mode, it closes the connection with its Receiver Server and "goes to sleep" until it receives a command to become active.

In passive mode, a Source Server is in a stand-by state. In the diagram, the Rose and Yellow Source Servers are in passive mode. When a passive Source Server receives a command to switch to active mode, it attempts to establish a connection with the specified Receiver Server on its replicating instance.

Under typical operating conditions, with no system or network bottlenecks, GT.M moves a transaction off the originating instance and into the care of the network moving towards its replicating instance in sub-millisecond time frames. Network transit times then determine how long the transaction message takes to reach the replicating instance. Because it uses a change- or delta-based protocol, GT.M Replication uses network bandwidth efficiently. Furthermore, the Source Server can compress the byte stream which the Receiver Server then decompresses; alternatively network routers can perform the compression and decompression. You can use standard techniques at the stack or router for encrypting TCP connections to secure replication.

On Rose and Yellow instances, a Receiver Server receives update records sent by the White Source Server and puts them in the Receive Pool, which is in a shared memory segment. Source and Receiver Server processes implement flow control to ensure that the Receive Pool does not overflow. The Update Process picks these update records and writes them to the journal file, the database file, and the Journal Pool. The Update Process on a replicating instance performs operations analogous to "Application Logic" on the originating instance.

[5] The first Source Server process started on an instance creates the Journal Pool.