Fencing Transactions

The programming practice of fencing logical transactions protects database integrity during a system interruption. A logical transaction is a logical unit that is not complete unless all parts of the transaction are captured. For instance, the logical transaction "transfer funds between accounts" consists of a debit update to one account and a credit update to another account.

Establishing fences around a logical transaction assures that the transaction is committed as a unit, thereby avoiding logical inconsistencies. These logical inconsistencies, sometimes referred to as application-level database integrity problems, manifest themselves as run-time errors, inappropriate branching, and incorrect reports.

The four ACID properties are Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability. GT.M provides Durability with Journaling and Atomicity, Consistency, and Isolation with TSTART and TCOMMIT commands. The TSTART and TCOMMIT commands are replacements for the ZTSTART and ZTCOMMIT commands. The following table shows the benefits and drawbacks of each set of TSTART/TCOMMIT versus ZTSTART/ZTCOMMIT commands with their application transaction-fencing requirement.



Provide a transaction management facility that’s fully ACID-compliant. 

Provide journal enhancement to improve the quality of recoveries. With ZTSTART/ZTCOMMIT, programming logic, usually LOCK protocols, must ensure Consistency and Isolation.

All updates stay private until the time of TCOMMIT. This ensures Atomicity.

Atomicity is only ensured (within operationally set parameters) during journal recovery

 No cascading rollbacks

A long-running transaction can trigger cascading rollbacks.

TS[TART][:tvexpr] [([lvn...])|lvn|*|] [:keyword|(keyword...)]

TSTART can manage local variable state on restarts.


Depth of "nested" transactions for TSTART and TCOMMIT is 127 

Depth of "nested" transactions for ZTSTART and ZTCOMMIT is 25.


The term cascading roll-back describes the situation that occurs when dropping one transaction causes previous transactions to be sequentially dropped, until potentially all transactions are dropped. If an application violates this assumption, a JOURNAL -RECOVER may create a database with application-level integrity problems. M LOCKs ensure the isolation of a sequence of updates from interaction with any other updates. TSTART and TCOMMIT transaction fences implicitly exhibit the required isolation whether fences are used with or without associated LOCKs.

For more information on TSTART/TCOMMIT, refer to the "Commands" chapter of the GT.M Programmer's Guide for more information.


As stated in the beginning of this chapter, ZTSTART and TZTCOMMIT are deprecated in favor of TSTART and TCOMMIT. FIS no longer validate the ZTSTART and ZTCOMMIT functionality so you should always use TSTART and TCOMMIT to fence your transactions.