Triggers in Journal Files 

GT.M manages "trigger definitions" and "triggered updates" differently during journaling and replication. Trigger definitions appear in both journal files and replication streams so the definitions propagate to recovered and replicated databases. Triggered updates appear in the journal file, since MUPIP JOURNAL -RECOVER/-ROLLBACK does not invoke triggers.  However, they do not appear in the replication stream since the Update Process on a replicating instance apply triggers and process their logic.

GT.M implicitly wraps a trigger as an M transaction. Therefore, a journal extract file for a database that uses triggers always has Type 8 and 9 (TSTART/TCOMMIT) records even if the triggers perform no updates (that is, are effectively No-ops).

When journaling is ON, GT.M generates journal records for database updates performed by trigger logic. For an explicit database update, a journal record specifies whether any triggers were invoked as part of that update. GT.M triggers have no effect on the generation and use of before image journal records, and the backward phase of rollback / recovery.A trigger associated with a global in a region that is journaled can perform updates in a region that is not journaled. However, if triggers in multiple regions update the same node in an unjournaled region concurrently, the replay order for recovery or rollback might differ from that of the original update and therefore produce a different result; therefore this practice requires careful analysis and implementation. Except when using triggers for debugging, FIS recommends journaling any region that uses triggers.If you database uses triggers, always ensure that unjournaled globals do not perform triggered updates in journaled globals and create procedures to handle trigger updates in the broken/lost transaction files. In broken/lost transaction files, you can identify these entries as + or - and appropriately deal with them using MUPIP TRIGGER and $ZTRIGGER().