Examines or loads trigger definitions. The format of the MUPIP TRIGGER command is:

MUPIP TRIGGER {-TRIG[gerfile]=<trigger_definitions_file>[ -NOPR[ompt]]| [-SELE[ct][=name-list|*][<select-output-file>]}

Before you run the MUPIP TRIGGER command:

  1. Set the value of the environment variable gtmgbldir: to specify the value of a current global directory.

  2. Ensure that the key size, record size, block size of your database is sufficient for storing trigger definition. You may have to set the key and record sizes larger than the database content would otherwise require.

The qualifiers of the MUPIP TRIGGER command are as follows:


Loads a trigger definition file to the database. The format of the TRIGGERFILE qualifier is:


The trigger update summary reports count not only names and option changes as "modified" but also cases where a -COMMANDS list changed, even though those are functionally additions or deletions of separate trigger definitions.


Provides a facility to examine the current trigger definition. SELECT produces a list of the current triggers for a comma-separate list of global variables or trigger names. The format of the SELECT qualifier is:

-SELE[ct][=name-list[*]|*][ <select-output-file>]

  1. Name-list can include global names, delimited with a leading caret (^), and/or trigger names (user-defined or auto-generated) with no leading caret. You can specify a trailing asterisk(*) with either.

  2. With no arguments specified, GT.M treats -SELECT as -SELECT="*" and extracts a list of all current triggers.

  3. Optionally, you can specify a file name to redirect the output of the command. If you do not specify a file name, MUPIP TRIGGER prompts for a file name. If you respond with an empty string (RETURN), MUPIP TRIGGER directs the output to STDOUT.


The output from the MUPIP TRIGGER -SELECT command may not be identical to your trigger definition file. This is because GT.M converts some semantically identical syntax into a single internal representation; while -SELECT output may not be identical to the -TRIGGERFILE input, it has the same meaning. Additionally, MUPIP TRIGGER -SELECT displays a field called "Cycle" as part of a comment. Cycle is the number of trigger definition updates (addition, modification, or deletion) performed on a global.