Performs an integrity check on a GT.M database file. You can perform structural integrity checks on one or more regions in the current Global Directory without bringing down (suspending database updates) your application. However, a MUPIP INTEG on a single file database requires standalone access but does not need a Global Directory. The order in which the MUPIP INTEG command selects database regions is a function of file system layout and may vary as files are moved or created. Execute a MUPIP INTEG operations one database file at a time to generate an report where the output always lists database files in a predictable sequence. For example, to compare output with a reference file, run INTEG on one file at a time.

Always use MUPIP INTEG in the following conditions:

The format of the INTEG command is:

 file-name|-REGION region-name

FIS strongly recommends fixing the following errors as soon as they are discovered:

MUPIP INTEG -FAST and the "regular" INTEG both report these errors (These qualifiers are described later in this section). Other database errors do not pose the threat of rapidly spreading problems in GDS files. After the GT.M database repair, assess the type of damage, the risk of continued operations, and the disruption in normal operation caused by the time spent repairing the database. For information on analyzing and correcting database errors, refer to Chapter 11: “Maintaining Database Integrity. Contact your GT.M support channel for help assessing INTEG errors.

The following sections describe the qualifiers of the INTEG command.