Examples for MUPIP FREEZE


$ mupip freeze -off DEFAULT

This command stops an ongoing MUPIP FREEZE operation on the region DEFAULT.


$ mupip freeze -on "*"

This command prevents updates to all regions in the current Global Directory.


$ set +e
$ mupip freeze -on -record "*"
$ tar cvf /dev/tape /prod/appl/*.dat
$ mupip freeze -off
$ set -e

The set +e command instructs the shell to attempt all commands in the sequence , regardless of errors encountered by any command. This ensures that the freeze -off is processed even if the tar command fails. FREEZE prevents updates to all database files identified by the current Global Directory. The -record qualifier specifies that the current transaction in each database be stored in the RECORD portion of the database file header. The tar command creates a tape archive file on the device /dev/tape, containing all the files from /prod/app that have an extension of .dat. Presumably all database files in the current Global Directory are stored in that directory, with that extension. The second FREEZE command re-enables updates that were suspended by the first FREEZE. The set -e command re-enables normal error handling by the shell.


$ mupip freeze -override -off DEFAULT

This command unfreezes the DEFAULT region even if the freeze was set by a process with a different userid.