
The SETGD command closes out edits on one Global Directory and opens edits on another.

The format of the SETGD command is:

SE[TGD] -F[ILE]=file-name [-Q[UIT]]

The -FILE=file-name specifies a different Global Directory file. When you provide a file-name without a full or relative pathname GDE uses the current working directory; if the file is missing an extension, then GDE defaults the type to .gld.

The -QUIT qualifier specifies that any changes made to the current Global Directory are not written and are lost when you change Global Directories.

SETGD changes the Global Directory that GDE is editing. If the current Global Directory has not been modified, or the -QUIT qualifier appears in the command, the change simply occurs. However, if the current Global Directory has been modified, GDE verifies the Global Directory, and if the verification is successful, writes that Global Directory. If the verification is not successful, the SETGD fails.


GDE> SETGD -f="temp"

This changes the Global Directory being edited to temp. The quotation marks around the file name identifies the name of the file unequivocally to UNIX. If the -f is the final qualifier on the line, then the quotation marks are unnecessary.