Identifying the Current Global Directory

GT.M identifies the current Global Directory by referring to the environment variable gtmgbldir. GDE, MUPIP, LKE, DSE, and the GT.M run-time system use this environment variable. The run-time system normally uses this environment variable, but may also access a Global Directory by setting $ZGBLDIR or by using the extended global reference || or {} syntax.

If you maintain multiple Global Directories, define gtmgbldir to point to the currently active Global Directory. You may want to define gtmgbldir in your login file. Note that this definition is a pathname. If it does not start with a "/", then it is a relative pathname and GT.M searches for it starting in the current working directory.

To change the current Global Directory assignment, specify a new definition for gtmgbldir.


$ gtmgbldir=prod.gld
$ export gtmgbldir